Data That Represents India (भारत)

The seventh-largest country by area, India is located on the Indian subcontinent in South Asia. India was home to the ancient Indus Valley civilisation, and is the birthplace of four world religions: Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism. India endured colonisation, eventually being administered by the United Kingdom from the mid-19th century to the mid-20th century. India became an independent nation in 1947 after a struggle for independence led by influential figures like Mahatma Gandhi, Subash Chandra Bose and underwent a violent partition. India (as of April 2023) is the most populous country with over 1.4 billion people, and is also the most populous democracy in the world.

  • Economy
  • Census
  • Information
  • Geography
  • Development
  • Defence
  • Infrastructure
  • Manufacturing
  • Innovation

Population of top cities of India (Year 2001 & 2011)

Data based on the Census of India report
Category: Geography


Extreme points of India (North, East, West, South)

Highest and the lowest altitudes in the India
Category: Geography


Borders of India and the Forces protecting them

India shares its land borders with seven countries
Category: Geography


Largest Indian companies by market capitalization

India have notable companies, here are list of largest ones
Category: Economy


Major ports of India (in functional condition)

Capacity of Indian ports currently stands at 2,604.99 mtpa
Category: Infrastructure


Major rivers of India

Seven major rivers with their tributaries make river system of India
Category: Geography


Metropolitan cities of India

List of dynamic and vibrant metropolitan cities of India
Category: Geography


NDSP Data of India

Indian states and union territories by NSDP per capita (2021-2022)
Category: Economy


Native language speakers as per population census

Data of Native language speakers. Census of India 1991, 2001, 2011
Category: Language


Nuclear Power Stations in India

List of Nuclear Power Stations of India with capacity, coordinates, and setup date
Category: Energy


State's and UT's of India

Listing of State's and UT's of India with geographical information in detail
Category: Geography


State and UT wise Power generation report

Energy produced by different States & UT's based on Thermal & Renewable factors
Category: Energy


State and UT wise National Parks area

Listing of states with their area size of National Parks and count
Category: Geography


Foreign Trade of India listed as per yearly value

Export, Import, and Deflicts data - Foreign Trade of India
Category: Economy


Languages by number of speakers (2011 census)

First, Second, and Third language Speakers of India based on 2011 census data
Category: Language


Mother tongues speakers (2011 census)

Data of Mother tongue spaker as the language spoken in childhood and by mother
Category: Language


Aabhar (Gratitude)

We have tried to collect and display the most accurate and latest information. There might be some incorrect data. Please do let us know regarding the same at This data has been sourced from Govt Open Data, Know India, Govt Portals, State Govt Sites, India Post, Census of India, Defence Portal, Press Information Bureau, and Wikipedia. Last data synced on January 2024.

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